ICFA Resolution for the 9th Our Ocean Conference 

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In April 2024, ocean stakeholders from across the globe will convene for the 9th Annual Our Ocean Conference. The event will serve as a platform for fostering dialogue and exploring innovative strategies to protect and sustainably manage our oceans and their resources.  



In April 2024, ocean stakeholders from across the globe will convene for the 9th Annual Our Ocean Conference. The event will serve as a platform for fostering dialogue and exploring innovative strategies to protect and sustainably manage our oceans and their resources.  

The International Coalition of Fisheries Associations (ICFA) notes that: 

  • As the world’s population continues to grow, ensuring a stable food supply is a critical global task. The supply of marine products from the earth’s oceans, which cover 70% of the planet, is an important component of global food security in order to provide sustainable, high-quality marine products for both current and future generations. A balance between conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and food security is important.  
  • Marine plastic pollution is introduced to the marine environment from a range of land- and sea-based activities. Plastic litter negatively impacts marine life and biodiversity; human health, safety, and livelihoods; and the fishing and shipping industries, including the economics of local communities that rely on these industries. The seafood industry is committed to working diligently with global partners, governments, industry and communities to find meaningful solutions and advancements in research and innovation to reduce plastic pollution in our oceans. 
  • The fisheries industry is actively engaged in efforts towards decarbonization to mitigate the impacts of climate change. However, these efforts require support and collaboration from stakeholders across sectors to achieve meaningful progress towards reducing carbon emissions and promoting environmental sustainability. 
  • Focusing solely on creating Marine Protected Areas without considering the needs of coastal communities and the sustainable use of marine resources may have detrimental effects on livelihoods and food security. Effective fisheries management is the strongest tool to simultaneously protect ocean health while also fostering human development.  
  • The fishing industry is committed to being and active participant in solutions for climate change resilience. It is crucial to recognize that fisheries products, with their low carbon footprint and essential nutritional value, play a pivotal role in achieving global climate objectives. Fisheries can be part of the solution for a sustainable and healthy future. 

Therefore, ICFA: 

  1. Call on stakeholders to take fully into consideration the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems, fish stocks and economic activities at seas and to ensure that an ecosystem-based management of fisheries is put into place in order to include climate change in fisheries management. 
  1. Urging stakeholders to address ocean plastic pollution issues both on land and at sea, while also prioritizing goals such as food security, food safety, nutrition, and the social and economic sustainability of seafood systems. 
  1. Continued support for research and development initiatives aimed at advancing decarbonization efforts within the fisheries industry, including the adoption of alternative fuels, energy-efficient technologies, and sustainable fishing practices. 
  1. Highlights the critical importance of convening policy makers, NGOs, and the fisheries sector to collaboratively develop pragmatic and implementable solutions for addressing the six focus areas identified in the Our Ocean Conference. 
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